Q- Where can I find WASN?​
A- We are on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, Youtube, Amazon Podcasts and basically anywhere else you can find podcasts.
Q- What is the upload schedule?​
A- We are currently trying to upload every other Friday at 5pm CDT. Our team consists of three full time students who work along side school and producing WASN, so if we miss a week that's why! We'll be sure to let you know on Tiktok Tumblr and Youtube if the episode will be delayed!
Q- How do I join the discord?​
Q- What is WASN about?​
A- An anonymous teenage girl starts a gossip radio show to report on the events of her small southern town. In her quest to uncover the latest scoop, she becomes entangled in the midst of a mystery.
Q- Can I cosplay/make fan content of WASN?​
A- Of course you can! Make sure to tag us, we love seeing fan content!
Tiktok- @wb_after_school_news
Tumblr- @witherbun-after-school-news
Instagram- @witherburn_after_school_news
Q- Can I audition to be a voice actor on WASN?​
A- We do currently have a need for minor voice actors in future episodes. However our team uses high quality recording equipment in a dedicated shared recording space so it's not possible to hire remote Voice Actors. We are also not able to pay voice actors at this moment for their roles and are currently only offering credit for voice work, as this is a passion project and we have an exceedingly limited budget. You may be eligible if you:
- Live in Texas
- Are over the age of 18
If you meet these requirements and are interested, feel free to email us at witherburnnews@gmail.com, and make sure the title includes, "Voice Actor" in it.